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Biden’s Electric Vehicle Charging Network Should Use Open Source

The Biden administration's substantial investments in upgrading the U.S. electric grid and EV charging infrastructure are crucial for the nation's shift towards electric vehicles. However, a significant hurdle remains: outdated software in EV charging systems. Julian Offermann, CEO of S44, highlights the urgency in modernizing this software to meet government standards and secure funding.
Close up of an electric vehicle being charged

Originally published in Federal Times on October 27, 2023.

With over 70% of U.S. electrical transmission lines aged over 25 years, concerns about reliability are mounting. The transition to electric vehicles demands not just a robust power grid but also sophisticated, compliant software for effective EV charging management.

Currently, a lack of real-time monitoring in charge management software results in frequent downtime, impacting consumer experiences. Offermann advocates for two key strategies from the tech industry: open source software for collaborative innovation and standardization of systems across charging equipment, vehicles, and networks. These approaches can accelerate the deployment of EV chargers and create an interoperable charging network, a requirement under the NEVI Formula Program.

To delve deeper into this critical topic, read more on Federal Times to understand how collaboration and tech innovation are essential to drive reliable infrastructure and propel the nation's transportation system into the future.

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